Wonderful theater performance

 Last week, I saw a play called "Promise of a Wizard" at the Galaxy Theater.There was originally a game called "Wizard's Promise", and the story there is the original.I was really moved because I was able to actually visit and see the Theater for the first time.I was happy to be able to see the atmosphere and power that can only be experienced on the theater, and the expressions of the actors live.This day was one of the best memories of my life. I'm looking forward to the stage, hoping that I can go see it again next year!

As an aside I was really looking forward to this day, so I ordered nails to match my favorite character's costume and made my own trading card case.

Thank you for reading.


  1. Hello, Ayaka.
    I really understand that you loved the story and the character. Your nails are very cute and matching your favorite character. It's very nice!

  2. Hi, Ayaka. I love the "Promise of a wizard" too! I saw the last performance on a disc, so I wanted to go see it in person this time, but I gave up due to various reasons... That character is Shino, isn't it? Very nice!




Baked sweet potato in a rice cooker

Dried sweet potato