Dried sweet potato


I received a package from my mother on Tuesday of this week.The contents of the package were dried sweet potatoes!I love dried sweet potatoes, and when I eat them, I feel happy with their sweetness.So when I received the dried sweet potato, I was so happy.Moreover I ate half of it in one day lol.I'm careful not to overeat, but before I know it, I've eaten most of it.

Ibaraki is famous for its dried sweet potatoes, which are really delicious, so I want everyone to try them!!

Thank you for reading.


  1. Hi, Ayaka.
    That dried sweet potato looks so delicious. I also love dried sweet potatoes, so I understand that you eat a lot of them when you find yourself eating them. Sometimes I go to ibaraki just to buy dried sweet potatoes. Please let me know what you recommend for dried sweet potatoes!

  2. Hello, Ayaka.
    I'm ashamed to admit that until now I didn't know that Ibaraki is famous for its dried sweet potatoes... I love sweet potatoes, so I would love to try then next time!

  3. Hello!
    I like dried sweet potatoes too. When I was at my parents' house, even if I bought it, it would be eaten by my younger brother! I haven't eaten recently, so I want to.




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