Online recipe review: healthy fruit salad

 The website of the source is Skinny Taste.This is the recipe I used as a reference.(

I made a salad called Navel Orange Salad with Avocado. I found the recipe on the Skinny Taste website, authored by Gina. Her food philosophy is to eat seasonal, clean, whole foods and maintain proper portion control. This blog focuses on providing delicious and healthy recipes suitable for all types of diets. I chose this recipe because I wanted to make an easy salad that looked fancy.

 I bought ingredients at a supermarket called Cupid. Unfortunately I couldn't find all the ingredients, so I substituted Mionella oranges for the Navel oranges and lettuce for all the mixed baby greens. Also, it was difficult to cut the tangerines into octagons according to the recipe, so I cut them into crescent shapes. 

There are two good things about this recipe. First,it's very easy to cook. It's  completed just by cutting the material without using fire. Therefore, less washing is required. Second, although simple, the salad looks very fancy. The colorful fruit on the salad makes it gorgeous.However, this recipe also has its drawbacks. It's hard to match the ingredients perfectly according to the recipe. You may need to use similar colored vegetables or different varieties of ingredients.

Pictures in recipes are very helpful. I use pictures of recipes to help me learn how to make dishes look better and to think of alternative foods. Also,appearance is important when I cook. So when I choose a recipe, I look at the picture and decide whether to make it or not.

In conclusion, I recommend this recipe! I give this recipe a 4 out of 5 star rating. My impression of this salad was that it was very delicious with the sweet and sour taste of the orange added to the taste of the vegetables themselves. It's a stylish and healthy recipe that is easy to make and fills your mind and body. So it might be for people who are health conscious or who want to enjoy salad with fruit.From now on, I would like to add fruits to salads and enjoy vegetables.




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